there is a new way of doing things here…

15 Jan

instead of writing long and irregular posts…

im going to be posting lots of shorter ones!

maybe one a day?

maybe more!

this is because from my new phone…

as i have said before


has a wordpress app!

now, when someone says “this phone is simple to use”

mate they is telling you porkies!

i had an iphone…

but it was shit

and then i had a nice little second hand samsung brick

then it broke

and now i have a “samsung galaxy sII”


but it has a nice ability to just update pictures to this site!

so from tomorrow we shall see how this goes!


You will still get rants all the time!


is it really that hard to be nice?

13 Jan


losing faith in them right now

well some!

others like my mother restore my faith in humanity!

because they know everything!

she’s like my best friend ever!

and she loves me when other people seem not too!

she is there to give you a hug and to pick up the pieces when everyhting goes tits up

sorry for the lack of posts recently,

it’s an awkward time for me…

i have a huge choice to make

head vs heart….

either way someone is going to get hurt….

and both times at one of them is me….

Why cant things be simple?

Why cant everything just run smoothly?

Why do i have to feel so crap about something that i shouldnt even have to choose….

the decision was made about 14 years ago and yet i can change all of that…..

so yeah…

some deep shit!

and to top it all off have some arghygekhklhkhlk and her insults



Be Back Soon

i never chose to be like this…. no one would

9 Jan

this may be an uncomfortable post to read…

because it is one to write…

but this is something that i need to get off my chest…

and if you want to stop reading you can…

i mentioned in a previous post about my previous eating worries and things….

and a friend of mine who has helped me through so much gave me a wake up call…

someone suggest writing a post so that people who are lucky enough to have never expierenced one of these diseases…

because that IS what they are…

people dont choose to be this way…

it doesnt just affect your weight…

it changes everything about you….

now i could go on about the symptoms ect but i wont…

that would destroy the point…

for me..

i find that somethign can make me slip back into my old habits…

and then it takes something major to cause you to start to look back…

but the feeling never goes from you…

everytime i look in the mirror i see something else…

it’s like a monster…

and as you let yourself slip you see this monster start to take over you…

this is a weird anaolgy but…

this is what it’s like in my head…

and to start with you try to tell yourself that you wont let it happen again..

but before long you are hiding your food…

telling people you have eaten when you havnt…

now, you may think that someone would pick up on this but…

if you want to hide something it is very easy too…

and you feel guilty about lying to people that care about you but it doesnt matter…

as long as you keep on your “mission” everythign will be alright in the end…

the more you change…

the more you believe you have to do…

and no matter what anybody else tells you – you cant see or understand what they are saying…

then everyhting starts to slur into one…

your day revolves aorund  finding ways to make sure that no one picks up on the “clues” you leave…

then you crash…

and you crash hard…

and you end up hurting yourself…

and others around you…

i remember the lull after my crash…

everyoen suddenly changes the way they act to you…

as if you might break on them…

then you have to sit and hear your doctor tell you things….

but all that goes through your head is…

“can they not see me?  what i look like?”

then you start to question everything they say to you…

until something, or someone snaps you back to reality…

mine was something seemingly small…

it was sat in a field with my boyfriend and he said somehtign to me…

and i cant remember what, looking back but it moved me…

and without them, and some people i trust so much,

i wouldnt be the person i am today!

I often slip back into the way i was…

but i found something that keeps me going…

knowing that i have someone who i can cry, rant and smile too

and alhtough i may never meet that person…

they saved me…

in ways a person can be saved.


A Smile Can Hide A Thousand Secrets



i watch the player…. not the game

8 Jan


i will go and watch a sporting even to watch the payers not the game…

it is not that i dont respect them as athletes…

i just couldnt give a toss about the “outside” rule or what ever…

no matter how many times you try to explain this to me…

it is NEVER going to go in….


not sorry actually….

at least i go to the game!

me and the girls used to go to all our local rugby team’s home games…

it was cheap to get in…

the greasy food was cheap…

we didnt even bother getting seats…

we got those “stand around the edge so you gett a better view at the hot guys” thing…

and we loved everythign about it…

the views…

the atmosphere….

it was great…

then it stopped….

none of us could be arsed to go out on a saturday and stand in the rain…

yeah… so it stopped…

until our dance team got asked to perform at a fundrasier….

we enjoyed ourselves a lot!

i am second from the left…

with the flower in my hair!

not all from my closest friends but still!

more proof for SOMEONE that i am not a loner!

and in reply to my, “i have more followers” thing i did…

he came back with the shittest comeback – EVER! sorry but my little cousin Liv could’ve done better then that! and she uses “i know you are but what am i” too much!

and yes i am using pictures to cover up the fact that i have barely written anything…

in reply to that epic fail of a comeback….

i am a twitter addict!

and no that does not make me desperate!

it makes me socialable!

i have made friends on there that are so brilliant…

and not just girls!

i would say there are a few guys which really restore your faith in the male species sometimes….

so here goes..

i am doing the boys as there is less of them!

#lazy <—- SEE so addicted i use hashtags normally!

first one would have to be the champion of twitter!

this is a shockingly terrible pun as his last name is champion!

so give @thedchampion a follow! he is kind, sweet geniune and me and him have worked out that he can have mevan’s voice – and i have Mevans – fine by me!
so give him a follow!

next up is….

Oh, Gary!


love him! he is like a bundle of twitter joy!

he is the other half of me!


fasionable and

#FABULOUSBABY just like david!!

and Jack!  so many stagey fun convos with him!

proper gent..

the next cammack!


and my last one would be danny…

who got me sent out during a nativity!

evil bastard!

seriosuly though! immensly talented, good laugh and great for debates ect!

and he can twist words like a politician!

so follow @dannylane94

i could go on but i dont need too!

and my book is calling so…


This Post Is Even More Useless Then The Useless Post

“dance with me tonight” you know… by Polymurs *facepalm*

8 Jan

i hate not having enough time to get everything done!

i could probably find time to blog more….

but that would mean writing in classes….

such as in my Chem lectures….

but if i did that i wouldve missed what is now the highlight of chem….

our teacher, like the strictest teacher make a joke about Olly Murs and Polymurs…


it was terrible….

but it made that two hour lecture bareable!

and anything that does that is worthwhile!

this is the main suckish thing about dating a guy who isnt in your year…

you cant look across the room in a lesson….

make cute eye contact and then feel fine again….

you may all spew at the cuteness now!

so yesterday i went to the panto with my girls….

the guys know panto is not suitable for them!

nor is anything where all us girls get together in a group and their are males for us to comment on…

this is why we only got through half of Tosca when the opera was shown on TV….

and the only bit of Les Mis 25 they paid the slightest bot of attention to was Samantha Bark’s chest….


and they all needed to “make phone calls” during any point of phantom 25 that….

Simon bailey…

Killian Donelly…

Ramin Karimloo


and most importantly


featured in

so yeah – us girls went to the panto together….

it was brilliant!

more then that!

and i am of course going to give the Prince Charming a special shout out…

to dan krikler!

follow him on twitter on ~ @dankrikler  


and that is…

it’s a shame!


(sorry, in-joke)

but… the point stands!

so yeah… i enjoyed the panto!!

then as i saw the matinee…

all of us girls went for a coffee….

you will find that when it is term time we do this a lot!

as we are all in different years and take different classes we use it a lot to catch up….

and it makes us feel like our SATC alteregos

yes i just called them that!

we will even walk in that order!

and, my glasses went down a treat at SITZPROBE!!

i love sistzprobe!

soo much!

and yes i cried!

to those who know about the show, and the score and the characters….

Guia and Kay’s song…. Adultary’s Kiss


and the kiss….


it’s a good kiss!


Girls, Go And Kiss Gay Guys…. Even For Drama Purposes THEY KISS GOOOOOD!

she really is the pain in my fat arse…

5 Jan

we all know one…


the one who when someone asked “how was *insert name here* today?”

a simple of answer of “there” will sufice to say………


and you really do wonder why the hell she started making your life hell in the first place…

the answer people usually give is “she’s just jealous”

and you just go “WHAT OFF? YOU ARE MAKING NO SENSE!!”


i got me one of them…

and really is the pain in my so called fat arse…

so after a day of being annoyed beyond ALL belief today…

i went into the city with my lot…

my dance girls and the rugby team…

something about this lot has the power to cheer me up instantly…

and then most of them left and it was just my four…

carrie, charlotte, samantha and miranda…

and as we all drank our various drinks…

Hot Chocolate…

Earl Grey Tea

Filter Coffee

and an Espresso

then we went to Hotel Chocolate and got some nice goodies!

on our way around i had something stewing in my head…

something my Biology teacher said…

now… i really hate him sometimes

but he is full of little saying that he just says and everyone just accepts it…

i’m not going to re-write it because i wont be able to put down the sheer genius of Bridgey!

but, sometimes genius comes in the most unexpected places!

one of the greatest pearls of wisdom passed onto me was from my mum…

“there is nothing that a good song and your guitar cant get you through.. oh and ben and jerry! nothing wrong with my two fave men!”

i can see where i get my musical side from…

although i cant draw for shit…

or sing like her…

and on this note –

the woman re-did the Stockholm appartment while she was away!

i wanted that place!

or i wanted the NY one we rent out to someone who works in the NY office..


why am i not in NY more?



knowing my mother she has turned the Stockholm place into a Bruce Springsteen shrine…

nothing wrong with a little bit of bruce but…

my mother has love…

like i do for hadley!

and i guess what she has told me has stuck with me…

i mean, when im really down –

i play or i read…

the more i write the wierder i seem!

how do i have friends?

how am i popular?

oh right because i dance!

seriously though… an ability to move to music

a wee bit..

not that much!

i wish i could say it was for my grades or something that im really proud of…

i mean, i love dance, and i’ve worked my ass off to get to where i am now..

and captaining the supadance team is one of the greatest honors!
as i REALLY wouldnt have chosen me!
i probably wouldve chosen Soph, or Coral…

or one of the lauren’s!

but i have to keep the appearnce that “im a cool collected captain”

and the truth? im a geeky musical nerd who happens to have a slight obbsessiopn with vogue and fashion in genreal who seems to have been pushed to the top of the social heap.

so please…

when i turn up in my geek chiq…

accept that my hadley glasses DO compliment my bunches!


I Have Just Admitted My Geekiness In Front Of People Who I See Everyday! Ummm Hey Guys!

the world’s most useless post ever! you are welcome!

3 Jan

Bold what applies to you.

  • I am a male.
  • I am a girl (blog title gives this one away)
  • I am shorter than 5’4. (i’m a short arse i know)
  • I have scars.
  • I tan easily.
  • I wish my hair was a different color. (umm YES)
  • I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color. (and?)
  • I have a tattoo.
  • I want a tattoo.
  • I am self-conscious about my body. (not even ashamed to admit that)
  • I’ve been told I’m attractive by a complete stranger.
  • I have more than 2 piercings.
  • I have a piercing in a place other than my ears
  • I have freckles.
  • I’ve sworn at my parents. (well my mum)
  • I’ve run away from home. (i went and “hid” in my friend’s barn)
  • I’ve been kicked out of the house.
  • I have a sibling less than one year old.
  • I want to have kids someday. (if everything is right, and i want to be a mum like my mum, because she is the best ever)
  • I’m in school. (yes i am)
  • I’ve lost a child.
  • I have a job.
  • I’ve fallen asleep at work/school. (WASNT MY FAULT! we were at a tech for Les Mis and i’d been at an open mic the night before)
  • I always do/did my homework. (unless it is History, me and him dont get on – evil twat)
  • I’ve missed a week or more of school. (throughout all of my education, yes i have)
  • I failed more than 1 class last year.
  • I’ve stolen something from my job.
  • I’ve slipped out a “lol” in a spoken conversation. (but me and Bee say this to each other normally so its alright)
  • Disney movies still make me cry. (not even ashamed)
  • I’ve peed from laughing.
  • I’ve snorted while laughing (blaming Lau for this)
  • I’ve cried from laughing so hard. (and again… all your fault Lau)
  • I’ve glued my hand to something. (for a dare i glued my hand to my skirt once, i had my hand on my arse til i got home)
  • I’ve had my pants rip in public.
  • I was born with a disease/impairment.
  • I’ve gotten stitches/staples.
  • I’ve had my tonsils removed.
  • I’ve sat in a doctor’s office/emergency room with a friend.
  • I’ve had my wisdom teeth removed.
  • I had a serious surgery. .
  • I’ve had chicken pox.  (nothing special)
  • I’ve had measles.
  • I’ve driven over 200 miles in one day.
  • I’ve been on a plane. (yes i have)
  • I’ve been to Canada.  (cousins live over there, Ontario)
  • I’ve been to Mexico.  (did the border crossing from San Diego)
  • I’ve been to Niagra Falls. (i need to go back!!)
  • I’ve been to Japan.
  • I’ve been to Africa. (morroco, age 4)
  • I’ve been to Hawaii.
  • I’ve gotten lost in my city. (i know my way aorund new york but not my own city!)
  • I’ve seen a shooting star. (yes, it was amaizng)
  • I’ve wished on a shooting star. (yes, i wish for the Little prince to come and find me and tell me about the Rose)
  • I’ve seen a meteor shower.
  • I’ve gone out in public in my pajamas. (only to play in the snow though, and my disney PJ’s were cool!)
  • I’ve pushed all the buttons on an elevator.
  • I’ve kicked a guy where it hurts. (BY ACCIDENT)
  • I’ve been to a casino.
  • I’ve been skydiving.
  • I’ve gone skinny dipping.
  • I’ve played spin the bottle.  (once, wasnt my thing)
  • I’ve drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour.
  • I’ve crashed a car.
  • I’ve been skiing. (yes, when i went out to Ontario)
  • I’ve been in a play. (a few, stagey bitch i am)
  • I’ve met someone in person from Facebook.
  • I’ve caught a snowflake on my tongue. (proud moment)
  • I’ve seen the Northern lights.
  • I’ve sat on a roof top at night. (nothing is more goddamn magical)
  • I’ve played chicken.
  • I’ve played a prank on someone
  • I’ve ridden in a taxi. (yes, yes i have)
  • I’ve seen Rocky Horror Picture Show. (IT’S AWSOUME)
  • I’ve eaten sushi. (it’s lush)
  • I’ve been snowboarding.
  • I’m single
  • I’m in a “it’s complicated” relationship.
  • I’m in a relationship.  (yes, and i love him!)
  • I’m engaged.
  • I’m married.
  • I’ve gone on a blind date.
  • I’ve been the dumped more than the dumper.
  • I miss someone right now. (i do, thank you for enquiring)
  • I have a fear of abandonment. (pleaseeeee dont leave me! i think it has to do with my dad)
  • I’ve gotten divorced.
  • I’ve had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back. (i think we have all been there)
  • I’ve told someone I loved them when I didn’t.
  • I’ve told someone I didn’t love them when I did.
  • I’ve kept something from a past relationship. (lets not go there)
  • I’ve had a crush on a teacher.
  • I’ve been kissed in the rain. (umm yes! best kisses are in the rain)
  • I’ve hugged a stranger. (THOUGHT IT WAS OSMEONE ELSE)
  • I have kissed a stranger.
  • I’ve done something I promised someone else I wouldn’t.
  • I’ve done something I promised myself I wouldn’t. (i fell in love again)
  • I’ve snuck out of my house. (twitter people may remeber this. thank you Lau, Suzy, Meryn and Cynthia – that’s Cynthia Erivo – star of the sister act UK tour #shamelessnamedrop)
  • I have lied to my parents about where I am. (said i was at Lau’s)
  • I am keeping a secret from the world.
  • I’ve cheated while playing a game. (but it wasnt cheating really, i just took more monopoly money then i was meant to have)
  • I’ve cheated on a test.
  • I’ve ran a red light.
  • I’ve been suspended from school.
  • I’ve witnessed a crime.
  • I’ve been in a fist fight. (rugby…… not nice, or fun)
  • I’ve been arrested.
  • I’ve passed out from drinking.
  • I have passed out drunk at least once in the past 6 months.
  • I’ve smoked.
  • I’ve smoked weed.
  • I’ve taken painkillers when I didn’t need them.
  • I’ve eaten mushrooms. (this does just mean normal mushrooms right?)
  • I’ve popped E.
  • I’ve inhaled Nitrous.
  • I’ve done hard drugs.
  • I have cough drops when I’m not sick.
  • I have 3 pills at a time no problem.
  • I have been diagnosed with depression.
  • I have been diagnosed with one or more anxiety disorders.
  • I’ve taken an anti-depressant.
  • I have been anorexic or bulimic (and i’m not afraid to admit it, if people know the effect their words can have maybe they wouldnt use them so harshly)
  • I’ve slept an entire day without needing to go pee. (also one of my greatest achievements)
  • I’ve hurt myself on purpose.
  • I’ve woken up crying. (i’ve gone to sleep crying, im good at crying)
  • I’m afraid of dying.
  • I hate funerals. (you arnt meant to like them!)
  • I’ve seen someone dying. (yes)
  • Someone close to me has committed suicide.
  • I’ve written a eulogy for myself.
  • I own over 5 rap CDs.
  • I own an IPod or an MP3 player. (yes i do)
  • I have an unhealthy obsession with anime/manga.
  • I own something from Hot Topic.
  • I own something from Pac Sun.
  • I collect comic books.

you didnt hurt me, you changed me

2 Jan

my recent posts have been about changing, and changes and…

something that changes us greatly is Love…

something that changes us even more… Heartbreak…

and before any of you tweet, text, ask box me or anything – no me & bee have NOT broken up

this about that one..

the one that you really trusted…

the one that showed you what it is like to have everything pulled from underneath you…

the one that taught you what being hurt feels like…

and this “One” can be anybody…

but they are usually a twat

i really want to name and shame this guy who hurt me but – i’m a bigger person

and i prefer the name me and my friends have given him


and when i saw this being discussed yesterday as part of a “worst exes” thing…

i came to the conclusion that, they can be twats!

This post is dedicated and for everyone who has ever had their heartbroken.

For everyone who was ever cried until they felt sick.

Wanted to smash up everything because there is a chance that it might stop the pain.

Then sinking to the floor in tears because your entire world is crashing around you.

Everything you thought you knew has changed.

And you know that nothing will ever go back to the way it was before.

You know, the type of pain that no matter what anyone says, you need to let out, you need to shout at the top of your voice.

The type of hurt that makes you want to be anyone but you.

The type of hurt that not even Taylor Swift sings about because it is not really possible to accurately put it into words,

(and I know I did just try to put into words),

the type of hurt NOT EVEN BEN&JERRY (THE KINGS OF HEARTBREAK) can heal.

i’ve had this type of hurt before…

i was determined to be better than it..

i decided that things were going to be different…

it started like i said, with a trip to the mall..

i decided that a new start, needed a new look…

i was a man on a misson, which is to say a girl in high heels with some plastic, ready to take on the world!

so i shopped…

and looking back – i will never wear those clothes…

i just needed something to take my mind off it…

and we do…

we just need to think about other things…


i suppose it works…

in the end we move on

we maybe dont want to

but we do

we have this strange thing where, you dont remember when, why or how?

but we do…

there comes a time when we dont think about them all the time…

then one day –

they’ll pop into your mind

and then…

you begin to think…



and the answer is usually –


not at all…

i mean Jerktwatface may have been the biggest pain ever!

but i learnt..

i changed

i developed a thicker skin…

and if i hadnt needed someone to cry to..

then i wouldnt have found bee to be more then the best friend he was…


Ben And Jerry Saved Me In All The Ways A Person Could Be Saved.







i like ’em big and hard… oh crap that sounds wrong! I MEAN BOOKS – honest!

1 Jan

i’m confused,

this is normally a natural state for me – i know

but i am even more confused then normal

especially after the last 2 posts Words Hurt; Use Them Wisely and 2012… The Year I Trust In Myself

some of you have been saying things like..

“every post I feel like she’s writing what I’m feeling” ~ Meryn

” I can relate to it alot!” ~ Celine

and i am going to be frank with you all…


i don’t see what you are on about…

sorry folks!

somebody once said to me “write your truth” and that is what i try to do…

and well…yeah

anyway –

did you all have a good new year?


no need to respond…. that was rhetorical

i had a brilliant one!

and those who know me, will know i am the most anti-drink person.. EVER

and guess what peoples!



although i think my new years eve was the furthest from what you would expect a teen to be doing…

i was curled up by the log fire here (i dont even know why this was so special or anything seeing as we have one at home – but it was)

i had my journal…. its a beautiful new one! here is the picture from the website i ordered it from

normally journals are NEVER ordered online ut i’d had this one before so it was fine..

i had a copy of Jane Eyre (hardback – of course) now… those who know me will know how much makeup, and clothes i will pack and yes i know – taking hardback books to places leaves me less room – and you know what – i dont give a toss!

i was given an “e-reader” or a “Kindle” or some thing like that…

NO! no! no!

am i the only one who LOVES the feel of a nice big, hard book in their hands? the smell of them? crap this is sounding so wrong now…

i mean – i like having it in my –

i should just give up…

anyway – i feel proud when i can look back and go “i’ve read that much”

so yeah…

i think those ways of making us read less actual books is horrible… i like old books! they show how much they have been loved!

yeah.. anyway

so i was sat by the fire…

like i said in yesterday’s post

there were quite a few of us there but we were all doing our own things…

then the principle came around and gave each of us a glass of red wine to celebrate all passing the course and to welcome the new year…

i didnt drink it right away…

i kinda put ot on the table next to me and just sipped at it throughout the night…

it was nice…

then after the 00;00 “happy new year” thing

we all went out side to watch some fireworks…

they were amazing!

then we all went our separate ways back to our dorms…

all in all it was a great time to think everything through…

amd i can honestly say…

i wouldnt change a single thing about last year…

and let’s see where this year takes us…


Maybe I Don’t Need To Wish On Stars…. I Have Everything I Need



2012… the year i trust in myself

31 Dec

now is when everyone is going about saying  “new year, new me”

i think that is a load of bull..

why start afresh?

i am proud of who i am today, and yeah – the times ive been hurt have helped to shape me into who i am today…

why would i throw that away and “start again”?

the tears i cried have carved me into the person that writes this;

i wish i could say i am unafraid – but i’m not

i wish i could say ” i am happy with myself” – but i’m not going to lie to myself

i wish i could say “i am confident that in 2012 i will be a new me” – but i wont,  i’m still going to make mistakes

mistakes – the word doesnt fit…

are they mistakes?

or are they paths we chose to follow…

even though we were unsure?

i dont know – but i know i have made my fair share of mistakes in 2011

and i wouldnt change a single one.

i trusted people i maybe shouldnt have…

and i know sure as hell that i am going to trust more people i shouldnt…

its life!

but i know; i have had adentures in 2011 which will stay with me forever….

becoming more then just friends with the bestest human on the planet…

travelling to Paris, and then to Sevilla with him…

being told “i love you” under the Eiffel tower…

finding out more about my Father…

playing my guitar on stage in front of my mum for the first time…

learning that it is okay to admit that you are hurting…

coming to finishing school – which is an amazing way to end the year –

i thought i would hate it here – i have – but nothing beats sitting by a log fire reading a beautiful edition of Jane Eyre…

lots of things…

i dont believe that 2012 will be a new start…

however i have a brand new leather journal, so in a sense it is a new page…

i know many people will be “welcoming the new year” by having a party,

i’m not,

book, log fire, in this stunning house…

the fact i am not surrounded be people i know?

it’s given me time to think –

in the past few days i have seen both the worst,

and the best,

in people…

and as an Irish guy once said “life is a rollercoaster, just got to ride it”

and in 2012 i’m not goign to give in completly and let life take it’s course…

but i’m going to trust more in myself…

starting with taking the lead role in a brand new musical written by a musician whose music, its beautiful –

and it is an honor to have been chosen to create the role of Guia,

it’s amazing to look at how far the cast have come, through the early stages of workshopping through to our performances in february

and my music teacher, fuck she writes a tune…

i’m going to learn that, i may not be perfect, but i have someone who loves my imperfections

and those imperfections make me –

i’m going to have the confidence to say “this is who i am”

and you can take this…

or you can leave it because i’m through accepting limits, i’m through trying to please people who dont give a damn…

and im not going to loose sleep “because not enough strangers found you suitably fuckable” (from a poem – Pretty by Katie Makkai)

no – i’m going to do 2012 my way –

with the people i want to be in my life…

and i’ll take my battle scars – and i will use them so i learn from my mistakes..


Learning To Trust Myself